

  • Payments must be made by the 5th of each month.
  • May be paid all at once, in two payments, or on a monthly schedule
  • Uniform payments must be made by September 30th and October 30th
  • Checks must be made out to Auxiliary Creations
  • Returned checks are subject to a $10.00 fee for the first check, $25.00 for each check after.
  • Late payments: Payments will be considered late by the last day each month and will result in a $2.00 late fee.


  • Parents are asked to wait in the waiting area due to space issues
  • Students need to wear gym-type clothing to practice. Any student not having appropriate clothing will not participate for that practice due to safety concerns.
  • Students are responsible for bringing equipment to practice


  • Performances are meant to be fun
  • Please let Alisha, Debby, or Annie know as soon as possible if you will not be able to be at a performance


  • Each student is to be respectful toward other students, instructors and others in the studio
  • Students expected to pay attention to the instructor during lessons for the benefit of themselves and other students
  • Appropriate, clean language will be used at all times
  • Violence of any kind is not permitted
  • Instructors reserve the right to dismiss any student for violations of the above rules, no questions asked.